Chapter 1. The Role of CCUS in the Future Energy Mix
Lowering emissions will require energy efficiency and increased use of
renewable sources of energy (renewables), and a shift to less carbon-intensive fuels. Carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS)
is a critical component of the portfolio of solutions needed to satisfy the dual challenge. PDF
Chapter 2. CCUS Supply Chain and Economics
The CCUS supply chain involves the capture—separation and purification—of carbon dioxide (CO2)
from stationary sources so it can be transported to a suitable location where it is used to create products or injected deep underground for safe,
secure, and permanent storage. PDF
Chapter 3. Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Enablers
Existing policy and regulatory framework in the United States
for CCUS, along with current challenges for CCUS development and deployment are examined.
Three proposed phases of implementation are identified and the changes that
will be needed to enable CCUS deployment at scale within the next 25 years. PDF
Chapter 4. Building Stakeholder Confidence
CCUS project-specific stakeholder engagement is well established in the United States.
However, building widespread commitment and support through
individual CCUS projects continues to be challenging. Although CCUS engagement on its own
cannot guarantee success, when it is done well, it can be a significant enabler PDF
Appendix C: CCUS Project Summaries
Details on the case studies examined in the development of this report. PDF
Appendix D: ERM Memo - Economic Impacts of CCUS Deployment
An economic analysis of deploying CCUS at-scale. PDF
Volume II - Analysis of CCUS Deployment At-Scale ePUB
Volume III - Analysis of CCUS Technologies
Technology Introduction
CCUS can be delivered via a proven, safe, and well-understood suite of technologies.
CCUS has been deployed on large stationary source CO2 emissions in several industries across the United States and globally, PDF
Chapter 5. CO2 Capture
CO2 capture technologies are a key component of (CCUS),
including transport. The separation of CO2 can be accomplished through the application of four
main CO2 capture technologies: absorption, adsorption, membranes, and cryogenic processes PDF
Chapter 6. CO2 Transport
Wide-scale deployment of CCUS will require expansion of the existing and new CO2 pipeline infrastructure
CO2Rail, truck, ship, and barge are unlikely to be able to support the large volumes of CO2 associated with wide-scale deployment of CCUS.
Rail and truck may be viable for shorter distances domestically, and tanker shipping may meet international CO2 transport needs. PDF
Chapter 7. CO2 Geologic Storage
Safe, secure, and permanent geologic storage of CO2 requires the presence of a sufficiently
permeable rock formation, typically sandstone or carbonate, which is sealed by rocks on top that have a very low permeability. PDF
Chapter 8. CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery
CO2 EOR is a mature and regulated technology. EOR benefits the environment when
CO2 from industrial sources is captured, injected, and trapped underground, thereby reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by providing large-scale CO2 storage. PDF
Chapter 9. CO2 Use
Carbon is used to produce fuels, polymers, industrial chemicals, carbon nanotubes, and building
products such as carbonates and cement. It is also used in the production of steel, electronics, and
consumable goods. Some CO2-derived products, such as construction materials, could
significantly expand their use of CO2. PDF
Appendix E: Mature CO2 Capture Technologies
This appendix describes the absorption carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology known as amine
scrubbing. PDF
Appendix F: Emerging CO2 Capture Technologies
Results of a canvas of emerging capture technologies. PDF
1. Supply and Demand Analysis for Capture and Storage of Anthropogenic CO2 in the Central United States
Jeffrey D. Brown, Stanford University / University of Wyoming Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute; Poh Boon Ung, BP Group Technology PDF
2. An open-technology and open-access post-combustion capture initiative for power plants in USA
Jon Gibbins, Professor, UK CCS Research Centre, University of Sheffield; William R. Elliott, Operations Manager, Infrastructure and Power, Bechtel Global Corporation PDF
3. Driving Sustainable Future via an Electro-Molecular Economy
Bill Brown, Chief Executive Officer, NET Power/8 Rivers Capital; Damian Beauchamp, Chief of Staff and Head of Business Development, 8 Rivers Capital PDF
4. The Layered Approach to Liability for Geologic Sequestration of CO2, a paper on pore space and liability
A. Scott Anderson, Senior Policy Director, Energy Program, Environmental Defense Fund; Frederick R. Eames, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth PDF
Cost Curve Model
Gaffney, Cline & Associates model used to generate the cost curves in this NPC report
A differential feature was to assess the costs to capture, transport and store
CO2 from all sectors and fuel types, covering the largest facilities and a total of
approximately 80% of all U.S. stationary sources. Using "reference cases" and standard economic
assumptions was essential to developing the cost curve, formulating recommendations, and
assessing the potential impact of those recommendations on CCUS deployment at a national level.
Costs for individual projects will vary based on location factors and the economic assumptions
specific to each project.
In order to provide a useful public resource and ensure transparency of the work of the NPC
CCUS study, this cost assessment tool will be hosted by Gaffney, Cline & Associates, allowing
stakeholders to change the cost and financial assumptions to generate their own view of costs.
We expect this tool will be available in late-January 2020, so please use the following
link to access the Gaffney-Cline site to sign-up to receive an update on the model's